Wednesday, June 26, 2013

9 months - daddy long legs!

We took Kam for his 9 month check up and we have one tall boy!   He measured in a 29 1/2 inches (90 percentile) and weighs 20 lbs (50 percentile).

Kam continues to give the best kisses and loves to jabber non sense but every once in a while we hear 'dada' and 'mama'

I'm still enjoying my Fridays off with  my little guy.  I love to take him for a run in the morning and then stop by the park on our way home.  Kam still LOVES to swing and swim!

Kam is on the verge of walking and he can really take off when he walks with his walker.   He does 'laps' up and down our hallway.  I think it is so funny to see this little man walking down our hallways!

Kam may have a new favorite fruit - WATERMELON.  He can't eat it fast enough.  Check out this  photo of him double fisting 2 chunks of watermelon!

We also celebrated Ken's first official Father's Day.    I tried to have kam finger paint a card for 'dada' but it didn't end so well.  Kam was more interested in eating the paint then creating a card.  Maybe next year :-)

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