Monday, August 12, 2013

10 months and teething.... again

This as been an eventful month for us.    We spent 2 weeks in Illinois over the 4th of July and Kam turned 10 months while we were back home.  I was actually able to squeeze in a work trip in to Atlanta while I was in Illinois so Grandma Suzi captured these great 10 month photos for while I was working  Thanks Grandma Suzi!!

We also had some family photos taken with the "Rodeen Boys" while we were home.   It was quite the scene trying to get them all to smile at the same time but they are so cute I can barely stand it! Below are a few of my favorites.

We also had our first trip to urgent care while we were home.   Kam was cranky the first few days we were in Paxton.  We thought he was teething but weren't sure.  On the 4th of July he was extra crabby. Mom was nice enough to stay home with him and try and get a good nap with him while Ken and I were out boating with Paul and Shana.   After we were done boating we checked in with her and she said he was very lethargic and she thought he had a fever.  Ken and I came home to check on him and took his temperature and it was 102.4 under his arm!!  We were worried it was an ear infection since he has just flown so we decided to take him to urgent care down in Champaign.    Luckily they weren't busy so  we got right in.  His fever had already gone down to 99 by the time we got there, thanks to the tylenol.  The Dr. said his ears were clear and that his gums were swollen around his molars so he was just teething.   I can't believe a 10 month old is already getting molars that just doesn't seem fair!  Anyway, not exactly how we pictured our 4th of July but we were happy there was nothing seriously wrong with our sweet little boy.   The next few days were rough.  He was very uncomfortable, needy, clingly, and cranky.  We kept him on a strict tylenol and ibuprofen regiment and no one got much sleep.   I'm not going to lie, there were some tears shed as I was physically and emotionally exhausted but we all survived and who could not smile looking at this face?!  PS. those molars still haven't completely popped through yet but we can see the top of one.
After sending a few days down in Paxton, Kam got to spend a week with Grandma and Grandpa Law. It was so hot and humid in Chicago he spent a lot of time in his diaper while we were there - good ol' midwest summers!  Kam loved playing in their pool, with his train set there and of course loving on their dog KC.   She is such a good dog she just lets him pet her and tug on her ears.  And of course she loves to eat everything he drops from his highchair!

Kam also spend some time down in Paxton with his Grandma Kathy and his wild cousins.  While we were in Paxton he had his first boat ride.  We took Paul and Shana's pontoon boat out for a spin around the lake and Kam loved it.   Kamden also had his first taste of corn on the cob and ice cream while we were in Paxton.  He was a big fan of both.  I think corn on the cob might be his new favorite food!  He and Lucas were both chowing down at Grandma's house!

Kam was great on both flights again although he only slept 30 minutes on the flight back to California so he about gave Ken and I a heart attack as it was WAY past his bathtime and we were just waiting for him to have a melt down but he never did.  We are so lucky that he is such a good traveler.

Kamden has a few new 'tricks' this month too.  He can now give a high five, make a piggy face, and point to your nose.  His piggy face is my favorite.  Below is a picture of Kam and daddy making their piggy faces :-)

I just can't get over how much Kam is starting to look like a little boy.  He's really not much of a baby anymore.  He sits on the couch like a big boy and he really seems to understand when we talk to him or make him laugh.  I'm just not sure where time goes but boy does it fly!

This was also a big month for us as Kam took his first steps.  He had taken a few steps before we visited Illinois but then when he was home he took a few steps toward Shana and a few step toward Johnny.  It was so sweet.   He still prefers to crawl but he does 'walk' much more these days.   He usually makes the 'piggy face' noises while he walks too!

Seeing as how Kam just turned 11 months yesterday I better get started on his 11 month update!  haha  until then.....

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