Saturday, June 1, 2013

8 months crawling and crazy

8 months has brought some huge changes in our house!   Kamden is officially crawling.  He has been on the verge of crawling for a while now but he made it official on Friday May 10th - just in time for Mother's Day.    Now he is into EVERYTHING as you can see by the pictures below.   We have a very curious little boy!

Pulling up on everything these days!

He's also discovered the screen/sliding glass door and always wants to go outside!

Here is a video of Kams first few 'crawls'

and just a few days later he's got the crawling down pat and he's really cruising now!

We celebrated my first official mother's day at our friend Krista and Mike's backyard BBQ.  We had a great time and enjoyed a few yummie drinks and the sun in their beautifully redone backyard!

Our apartment complex does a "Food truck Friday"  so we've started a tradition of going down there and getting dinner from the Food truck and eating it down by the pool.    Kam loves to be outside and people watch and we enjoy getting out of the house for our family date night!  Here's a pic of Kam and Ken on food truck friday.

This month I had to take my first work trip.   I went to Miami for 3 days and 2 nights.   I was very nervous/sad to leave Kam but Al and Ken took great care of him.   I enjoyed 2 nights of full sleep and when I returned from my trip Al and Kam were waiting for me at the airport with smiles on their faces. Kam lit up when he saw me a gave me a big hug.  I'll never forget that.     Here are my two goobers at the airport!

Kamden is intrigued by everything so we've had to gate off a lot of the house.  Check out our baby jail.    

Kamden is also getting alot of BLONDE hair.   I'm so thrilled he is a blondie - I always dreamt of having a blonde little boy and while he is all Ken in personality and looks his blonde hair is the one thing of mine he got!  YAY  check out these lovely locks!

As mentioned Kam is into everything.   He's even pulled out the safety plugs in the outlet.   We have to keep a very close eye on this fast, sneaky little bugger.  One morning he crawled behind the door and discovered the door stopper.  Hilarious.  

 Kam also loves to pull on this nightlight in the hallway which drives me crazy. 

Kam is still laughing a ton but he's also started to become 'scared' of things he never was afraid of before.    The vacuum now scares him and while Kam used to always think it was funny when Ken 'surprised' him sometimes he'll yell/cry if Ken really scares him and then he comes crawling to his mommy.    Mommy to the rescue!    Below is a cute video of Ken making Kam laugh as per usual.  Lots of laughter in this house.   

Kam also had a nice play date with his friend Mila.  He hadn't seen her in a few months and it was so fun to watch these two crawl around and play together!    They are only 11 days apart and oh so cute together! 

Kam also has his dad's love for dogs.  He absolutely adores all dogs.  Here is a picture of Kam with Kelly and Nick's dog Jake.   Jake is such a good sport he lets Kam tug on his tail and everything!

Last weekend was my friend Kelley Burnham's baby shower.  She is due in August with Kam's future best friend William.   Kam wanted to dress to impress for the shower so he wore his new bowtie onesie and fedora.  How handsome is he?

Kam is an excellent eater.  He's eating just about everything these days.  Chicken nuggets, cheese, lunch meat, waffles and of course still bananas and sweet potatoes which will always be his favorite.

The other day he was sitting on the counter and he reached over and grabbed a peach.  I washed it off and gave it to him thinking he would just lick it but no he knew exactly what to do with it!   haha
Jacaranda Trees are one of Grandma Kathy's favorite part of San Diego so we couldn't resist taking this picture of Kamden sitting amongst the fallen Jacaranda blooms.

Kam will be 9 months next week and I just can't believe how fast time flies.  Kam is getting more loving.  He snuggles more now and gives hugs and kisses.   Every time he gives me a kiss I think my heart is about to explode!  He's definitely growing into more of a toddler than a baby so enjoy a few more pictures of my 8th month 'baby' boy!

In other exciting news Ken and I just went into escrow on a 5 bedroom house in San Diego.  We pray everything goes smoothly and that we can move into the new house by the end of July and give Kam a playroom and a backyard!   Stay tuned for more updates!

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