Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Hectic Holidays

I'm writing you on my last day of maternity leave....  *tear.   These 4 months have flown by I can't believe my baby boy will be 4 months old in one week.   He's changed so much and brought us so much joy already!     The past month has brought us the most changes.     Kam has become VERY vocal while he discovers his voice.    He also giggles and smiles all the time.   He is reaching for his knees and toes and while laying down he will push up on his feet and arch his back.  He also picks up his legs as high as he can and then drop his legs to the floor with a loud thump.   We've been swaddling him alot looser lately so that he can get his arms out at night.  This way he can soothe himself in the middle of the night by putting his hands in his mouth.  He is also moving all over in his crib - yesterday I woke up to find him turned 90 degrees  sideways from his starting position.     He is still only rolling over from tummy to back but is getting close to rolling from his back to stomach, another reason to let his arms out at night!.  Kam's squeal is also a new development.  He is discovering his voice by letting out a very loud, high pitched squeal when he's happy, when he's mad, or when he just wants some attention.   It's quite the sound that's for sure.    Kamden received a jumperoo for Christmas from Grandma Rodeen and he loves it.  He jumps and squeals with glee when he is in it.   check out this video  of Kam jumping and squealing:

Other firsts that have happened in the last month are:

 Kamden experienced his first Thanksgiving!   He loved every second of it. Mostly because it was the first chance for him to meet his aunt Nattie too!  Natalie came out to visit over her Thanksgiving break and it was love at first sight.  Kam and Nat spent a lot of time bonding and getting to know each other, taking naps together, and of course taking photos together!   Natalie captured some great photos, including the photos for our Christmas cards.  My favorite photos is the one I captured of Kam and Nat napping together!   

 Our big boy turned 3 months on December 11th.  He's got his big smile down pat since his 2 month photoshoot.  Here are a couple of my favorite snap shots!

We hired an AMAZING Nanny in the first part of December.  Her name is Allison (Al) and she is GREAT with Kam.  He gives her the biggest smiles when she comes in the mornings and they seem to have alot of fun together.  She has gotten him on a great schedule - he naps well for her and even falls asleep in his crib on his own.  What a big boy!  They even do fun art projects together!   We are so blessed to have found someone who loves Kam just as much as we do.   We feel so comfortable with her that we even left Kam with her so we could go on a date night.    She did a great job entertaining him and doing his bedtime routine and he went to sleep for her like a pro!     We even came home to a little art project they had made while we were out- our first presents from Kam!  how cute!! ( i can't figure out how to rotate the picture, darn)  

Ken and I had our own little family Christmas celebration in San Diego before we came back to IL.  Here's a picture Kam sitting on his big present - his Jumperoo!

Kam took his first airplane ride.     Going back to Illinois for Christmas required taking Kam on his first airplane ride.  We were originally supposed to leave on Thursday but the weather was not looking very good so we decided to leave a day early to avoid any complications.  Thanks goodness we did as all flights on Thursday were cancelled.  We flew bright and early (6am) on Wed morning and Kamden was a great flier.  He didn't cry once.   On the flight home we flew back on 7pm flight and Kamden did even better - sleeping the entire flight!    We were so proud of him!   Here are a few pictures from his flights!  What a traveler we have!!
Kam getting comfy on the plane: 
 We made it!  Waiting for our bags at Midway!

Our trip to Illinois was a hectic one that involved 4 family Christmas's, family photos, a wedding, and a baptism.   It was exhausting but worth every minute and it was wonderful to see everyone.  

While we were there Kam met Santa for the first time!  Santa came to visit on Christmas Eve at my Aunt Beckys.   All the kiddos loved him!
 Working with Daddy while we were at Grandma and Grandpa Laws.
 The Cousin's hanging out!  We finally got to meet cousin Lucas.  The boys are only 10 weeks apart but Kamden looks like a peanut next to his cousin Lucas!  Can't wait to watch the boys grow up together!  How blessed we are! 

While we were home we were lucky enough to have Kamden baptized at the same time as his cousin Lucas in my childhood church.   Both Kam and Lucas did great through the service and we were so happy to share such a special day with all our family and friends, including Kamden's beloved Godparents Chris Nicholson and Natalie Rubino who both made the trip down to Paxton for Kam's big day.   Here are a few of my favorite photos from that day:

Also while we were in Illinois we had our first full night away from Kamden!  Our friend Erica was married and I was in the wedding so I left Kam for a full 24 hours.  Ken and I were both away from him over night.  Grandma and Grandpa Law took excellent care of our little guy.   It sounds like they had lots of fun without us.   It was nice to have a full nights sleep but we were eager to get home and see our little guy after our night away!  

While we were back in IL Kamden started teething.  Oh Joy.  In fact we had a couple of rough nights.  The worst being New Years Eve.  Poor Grandma Rodeen was a trooper.  She watched him for a few hours while Ken and I went out.  He was in so much pain he cried for 3 hours and didn't smile at her once - not like Kam at all.  That night after Ken and I came home (at 10 we didn't even make it to midnight) Kamden was up every hour on the hour.   The good news is his TWO teeth finally broke through.   Now he's a slobbering mess.    He loves to chew on anything he can fit in his mouth and he goes through about 5 bibs a day.  Below is a picture of Kam's first teething toy.  He loves it.  This is how I set him up in the mornings in the bathroom when I get ready.  He seems pretty content! :-)

There were alot of firsts this month and I'm sure there are many more to come next month!   

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