Friday, January 18, 2013

4 Month Update... Back To Work I Go

Well, I did it, I finished my first two weeks back at work.  It wasn't as bad as I thought but I being back at works makes me think boy did I love my 'baby vacation' aka maternity leave.    I'm thankful I only am working 4 days a week, with Fridays off and I'm very grateful for our Nanny Al.    She makes it easier to leave Kamden in the mornings.   Kamden loves when she arrives to the house in the morning and she sends me pictures and updates throughout the day.  It helps the day go by fast.  Then Kam greets me with a great big smile when I come home from work, so that in itself makes it all worth while.    This week I was even able to see Kam twice during the day.   One day I came home for lunch and on Thursday Kamden came into visit me at work because he was a baby model for our Personal Creations baby lines.    He was such a good model and looked super cute in all the outfits - I can't wait to see what the photos look like.

This Friday Kamden had his 4 month Dr. appointment.   He is 15 lbs 6 oz and 26.5 inches.  He is in the 75 percentile for his weight and the 90th percentile for his height!   Such a big boy.   The Doctor commented again on his long eyelashes and was telling us he should be a Baby Gap model.  Little did she know that he is modeling for the Personal Creations website later that week!   Kamden was a CHAMP for the shots he had to get.  He didn't even flinch for the first shot and just cried a little bit for the second one.   I picked him up off the table right away and then he looked the nurse dead in the eye and smiled.    Who smiles at the nurse that just stuck them with a needle??  Kamden apparently!  haha.

As mentioned in my last blog, Kamden has 2 teeth now.  He has started to discover his teeth with his tongue so now he constantly has his tongue hanging out his mouth.  Cute but just make for even more slobber - if that's even possible!   I swear there is a constant stream of slobber running down his chin at all times.   He has also learned how to smack his lips together and it's completely adorable!  It totally melts my heart!

Last Friday we took Kamden's 4 month photos.  It's getting harder and hard as he doesn't want to sit still and the slobber adds a new element of challenge! 


Here are a few other pictures from our 4 month photo shoot this really demonstrates  all his new tricks - 
trying to sit up on his own

Grabbing his toes!

Chewing on his fingers
Grabbing both his toes at the same time!
This weekend we got together with Jill, Jeremy and Mila.   It was the first time we have gotten together with them and were actually able to hang out and talk.  The babies napped a bit and then were very content to be held or sit in the bumbos.  The mommies were able to chat and have a glass or two of wine - just like the old days!   We're looking forward to many more 'play dates' with the Biancardis!

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