Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kamden's 2 months old!

Believe it or not, our little man is 2 months old!   He is changing and growing right before our eyes!  Some recent changes are that he has started to try and grab his feet, rub his eyes, and loves to 'stand'   In fact he doesn't like to sit much at all, he'd rather stand in your lap.  He has such strong legs!   He is really laughing, babbling and smiling alot too.  He is the most smiley in the mornings.   His smile lights up our world!   Ken and I love to bring him into bed in the mornings on the weekend and just watch him smile at laugh.  It makes 6 am not seem so awful :-)
His head is much more stable these days and he really can lift it up high during tummy time and looks all around from side to side.  He also love to sit and bounce on your knee - I call it the Cosby bounce because I always remember that move from the Cobsy show.    Here are a few photos of Kamden discovering his hands and feet by trying to grab his feet and sucking on his fists along with a video of him babbling.  

Kam had his 2 month check up on Friday.  He is weighs 12.5 lbs and is 24 inches long (both in the 75% for his age).  The Dr. did notice he prefers his right side over his left and told us to keep encouraging tummy time and to prop a towel under his back at night to help force him to the left.  He got his 2 month shots.  I was nervous about them so I asked Ken to come along for moral support.  It turns out Ken was more nervous than I was!   He kept saying it's not too late to turn around and he was really sweating in the waiting room, he was like "I just feel so bad for him"  ha.  Thanks for the support buddy - I think I'll go alone for the next round.   Kamden cried when he got the shots of course but passed out on the way home and was just a little fussy when he woke up in the afternoon/evening.   That night he slept 9 hours though!   So happy we have those shots out of the way.  Kamden's jumping for joy that he survived his shots 

The Doctor kept commenting on how cute he was (I'm sure she does that with all the babies) but she was impressed with how long his eyelashes were.  He does have some pretty fabulous eyelashes.   I'm jealous of them.  I just imagine him batting those lovely eyes at the ladies in a few years.  What a heartbreaker!     Can't see his eyelashes here but love this picture of our SoCal baby.

In nerd news, Dr. Gee Lew was also very impressed with my baby tracking app on my phone.   She asked what date Kam had had his shots in the hospital and I whipped out my app to look it up and she was amazed.   I showed her all his charts for eating and sleeping and she thought it was the coolest thing ever.  She actually called in several nurses to come check it out.   ha.  Ken and I are a bit anal and track everything (eat, sleep, BM's, baths, medications, etc) so we were geeked out that the Doctor appreciated it.     

I took this photo of Kamden on Sunday and it's just too cute not to post.   Ken and I took Kam on a 5 mile run but it was a little chilly out so we decided he needed a hat.  He looks thrilled to be wearing this puppy dog hat that Michelle got him in his matching puppy dog PJ's and of course he is 'standing'
 Last Saturday was opening day for Pheasant hunting season so in honor of that we put Kamden in his Camo Gear that Uncle Marky gave him.     Grandpa Rodeen would be proud!  Also here is a video of daddy and Kamden making faces at each other.  Pretty cute how Kam mimics daddy!
 This is one of my favorite pictures of Daddy making Kamden laugh.  Kam loves to watch Ken's silly faces and really giggles when Daddy's being extra goofy!
As I mentioned earlier Kam loves to 'stand' just this week he started trying to take steps while he stands.  This is he and Daddy's favorite activity together lately.   He had been doing this for quite a while before I got it on video so he was tired but the time I finally got my camera out but you get to see a step or two - with assistance of course! funny how they just know how to put one foot in front of the other, right?

We also have quite the Houdini on our hands.  He sleeps well when he's swaddled but he fights it when we first swaddle him and then always finds a way to poke on an arm or two out.   A few weeks ago I woke up to find him like this - completely busted out of his velcro swaddle.    Impressive.  Look how proud of himself he is.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for posting all the cute pictures... The doctor is right, he is soooooo cute! And I wish I had that baby app when my kids were little. I think it's genius!
