Sunday, April 5, 2015

Max is 6 months!

Hard to believe our Maxi Man has been with us for half a year (and we have a 2 1/2 year old!).  Max has changed a lot this month.   He is now sleeping MUCH better.   We get 7-6:30 now! YAY!  It was no without some additional tweaking from our sleep consultant.   We actually did this "wake to sleep" method, which sounds crazy, but works.   Basically Max was waking up at 4:30 or 5 am every morning so for 5 days we would set our alarms to go in and  gently wake him at 3:30 (an hour before he would usually wake).   We just open the door and barely touch him, just enough to get him out of his current sleep cycle and that would allow him to sleep in longer in the morning.  So crazy but it actually worked!

At Max's 6 month appointment he weighed 17lbs 11oz which is exactly what Kam weighed at 6 months.   Max was weighed almost 2 lbs more than Kam at his last appointment but now that he nurses every 4 hours and sleeps through the night without nursing he's starting to 'thin out.'  He was 27.5 inches tall - just a half inch shorter than Kam was at that age.   I can't believe how similar they are in sizes at 6 months!

Max is sitting on his own with no support.  I feel like it just happened overnight one day he wasn't sitting and then he just was.  He sits well on his own with no support for long periods of time.  He loves rolling all over his crib and the ground.  Max gets up on all fours and is rocking back and forth which means crawling is right around the corner.   EEKKK  Mom's not ready to have two mobile boys.    He also can army crawl (moving his arms and dragging his legs) to move from one place to another.   He's moving all around including trying to alligator roll when you change his diaper or his clothes.   Max also has THE BEST belly laugh.  Here is a video of him cracking up at his stinky shoes.

Besides his big belly laugh he also is starting to find his voice.  If you take a toy (or paci) away from him he will let you know how mad he is by YELLING at you.   It's pretty funny because Max has always been such a chill baby it's kind of funny to her him get worked up!   We may have another strong willed child on our hands.

Max and Kam love to take baths together.  They play so nicely and now that Max is sitting so well it makes it easier to plop them in there together and get it all done at once.  Max thinks pretty much anything Kam does is hilarious and he really watches everything Kam does.  You can tell he already looks up to his big brother!

Max also went for this first swim this month.  He LOVED it of course.  He must get the love of the pool from his mommy.   He would have hung out in the floatie all day if we left him.  Doesn't he look so relaxed?

Max still loves to eat.  He's tried just about everything they sell pureed and eats 3 jar (or pouches) of food a day.     At dinner we've started mixing in rice cereal with his sweet potatoes to help fill him up.    He also loves to feed himself mum mums and puffs.   He motor skills are pretty good too!  He likes to  clap and is just starting to learn how to blow raspberries.

Grandma Kathy visited this month and we had a nice family trip to the zoo.  Max loved it!



Kam's been having some bad 2 year old tantrums, including hitting Will and screaming in the bath when we wash his hair.   The other day he had a 20 minute meltdown because I opened up his cheese and he wanted to 'rip it himself'    about 15 minutes into the melt down I handed him a new one to open but he couldn't get it open himself, which lead into another 5 minute meltdown.   Ken and I had to leave the room for a minute because we couldn't help but laugh about how ridiculous the tantrum was.   We now refer to this incident as "The Great American Cheese Meltdown of 2015"

The tantrums and hitting were getting pretty bad so Al came up with a great idea to start out by giving Kam 3 tickets in the morning.  If he is naughty, doesn't listen, or hits, he loses a ticket.  If he has at least one ticket left at the end of the day, then he can pick a 'prize' out of his treasure chest.     We made big deal out of his  treasure chest.  Jill decided to do the same thing with Mila so we took Kam and Mila to party city and them grab a basket and put anything in it he wanted in their treasure chests.  Kam picked out things like spiderman themed whistles, a mickey mouse yoyo, wind up cars and tractors, candy, bubbles, etc.   So far he has been about to pick out a prize every night and it has been over a week since we started doing it.  Baths are so much easier, he actually asks to take a bath because he know he gets his prize when he is done.  He LOVES to look in his treasure and pick his toy.   Jill says it is working well with Mila too!  Hope it keeps up!

Every night before bed Kam must give us each a Hug, a kiss, a high five, and fist pump (which he 'blows up').     He even does it with Max before we take Max to bed.   If you give him a kiss on the forehead or cheek he will say, No mommy, on the yiiips (lips).  hehe  It's too sweet.

Kam is the only kid in America that doesn't want to get into bed with him parents.   When he wakes up (usually around 6:30) he will wander into our room and say "downstairs mommy"   I will ask him don't you want to get in bed with mommy and daddy and watch cartoons?   He will say "No mommy, downstairs"    The other days as we were getting ready to go downstairs Max cried out and Kam turned to me and said "No mommy, don't get Max.   Daddy get Max."   Then he said "Don't feed Max, Mommy.   Daddy feed Max, Max wants a bottle."    Ken and I started cracking up.  Kam definitely wants mommy all to himself in the mornings.    He said this morning "Mommy Max doesn't want Momma Milk, Max wants Bananas"   The things kids says!     But then he says really sweet things like "I Wuv him"   "He's my Brodder"

Every time Ken walks downstairs, even if it's in the morning, or on the weekend Kam will say
"Ya all done working dad?"      When Kam wakes up form his nap and Ken is home working, Kam will walk into his office and say "spiderman?"   Then he crawls into Ken's lap and makes Ken print out a spiderman (or captain america) picture everyday.    They have the best time picking out super hero pictures to print out together.  Kam picked out a spiderman mask from his treasure the other night and made daddy wear it to change max's diaper.  hehe  super daddy in the house!

Other fun updates on Kam this month:

He knows his name is "Kam Law"

He went to the beach with Grandma Kathy and loves running into the ocean.  He actually lost 2 tickets from Al the other days for running away from her at the beach park and running towards the water!

He sings Row row row your boat, Isty bitsy spider, ABC's, 'you've got a friend in me (toy story)and the teenage mutant ninja turtles theme song.

Is really into TMNT cartoons and likes to play "turtles" buy putting a pillow on his back

Loves to crack eggs and help cook or bake.

Loves swimming and is more comfortable in the pool with his floatie.   He will jump in off the side without anyone catching him.

Loves going to the store, will throw everything in the cart he wants or will open it and eat it in the store.

This weekend he up from his nap all on his own, walked into the bathroom, put pup and 'blank on the counter, flipped up both seats on the toilet and was peeing standing up.  When I walked in he said "I didn't sleep very well" and shrugged his shoulders.  haha (even though he did take a good nap).

He LOVES to help his dad take care of the yard and grass.  He helps him water, pick weeds, and rake.   He got up this morning, looked outside and said "how's my grass growing"   He also told me the other day that "something was eating the leaves of his tree"   He saw a Katydid in the backyard a few weeks ago and now he looks for him everyday.  He asks "where is him?"   it's too cute for me to correct him :-)   He's also in his 'Naked' phase.  Here's a great one of his helping mow, in the nude of course!

He loves to eat hot dogs, spaghetti O's, oranges, strawberries, grapes, go-gurts, and 'hot chocolate' which is basically frothed milk from our nespresso machine with a little bit of oval tine in it.  We discovered he also like hardboiled "minion" eggs and quiche!  

We've been busy busy busy this month but now that we are all sleeping better we are really starting to enjoy spending time playing with the boys, watching them learn new things and begin to interact with each other.

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