Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Max is 5 Months

 This has been a very rough month for sleep in the Law house.   Max's sleep has been getting progressively worse since December.  As I mentioned in last months blog, we attempted to sleep train Max the same way we did with Kam. However he wasn't reacting that well to it, then we realized he was teething, and sick so we gave it a break.  I went back to nursing him every time he woke up just to get a little more sleep.    Once Max was better, we attempted to sleep train him again and failed miserably.   We thought Kam was strong willed, Max puts him to shame.  This kid could cry and cry and cry.  So after another 4 nights of sleep training (8 days total between the two different attempts) - I gave in and hired a sleep trainer.   We had 2 friends that had used a woman to come in and sleep train their babies so I called her and booked her for the first available date.   Jayde, the sleep consultant came on a Friday night.  She took away Max's paci, sleep sack/swaddle, mobile, and white noise machine.   We joke that it was like solitary confinement for babies.   Then on the first night I was only allowed to go in every 5 minutes, say the exact same comforting phrase and walk right back out.   It took 40 minutes for him to fall asleep and then he was up most of the night off and on.   I was exhausted but we were desperate so I stuck with the pro.  Jayde helped get Max on a very strict schedule during the day - waiting 4 hours to nurse, and eating solids 3 times a day, and taking 2 long naps and one cat nap.   We did the same process with the nap, letting him cry then going in only every 5 minutes to comfort.   On the second night Max slept from 7-5!   While it hasn't been an magic fix, Max's sleep has made great improvements.   Most nights he will sleep from 7-5, but he will cry out from time to time in the night, but if he does he usually can sooth himself back to sleep.   We are trying to stretch him until 6 am.   Just last night he actually slept 7-7 for the very first time.   We still have problems if he is teething or sick then I go in and give him some medicine and give him his love (a giraffe) and then he usually goes back down.      His naps have improved HUGELY b/c of the sleep training.  He now takes 2, 1 to 2 hour naps with a 30 minute catnap at the end of the day.  This is life changing for us because before this he was KING of the 20 minute nap!    Usually on the weekends we can sync up Kam's nap with Max's 2nd nap of the date which is a great break for Ken and I.  

Because Max no longer is in a sleep sack he has started rolling all over his crib.  He rolls from front to back and back to front no problem now.  He's also trying to move to a sitting up position on his own.  He also is starting to sit up on his own for a few minutes at a time.  He's changing so fast I just can't believe it.    He also tries to wiggy out of his Bumbo by arching his back and flinging himself around.  He gave us a good scare last week by popping out of the it while I was feeding him.     Max is now eating a lot of baby good.  Sweet potatoes are still his favorite but he has had peaches, peas, bananas, squash, carrots and mangos.  We even tried puffs for the first time tonight.  He can pick them up and put them to his mouth but he can't quite figure out how to let go of them.  It's too cute.

Max is still super happy.  He give lots of laughs.  He has a very raspy voice, and Ken has given him the nickname "smokey" b/c he sounds like Max is going to have a smokey voice.    Ken apparently had a very deep voice as a kid so I'm wondering if Max will be like his daddy!    His hair appears to be fine like mine, and is staying lighter but he is getting a lot of it.  I think we will have another blonde baby!

Max gives the best, biggest smiles.   He really smiles with his entire face.  It is so adorable.  We still can't tell what color his eyes are going to be.   Right now the outer most ring is blue, with the middle part green and a very small ring of brown/hazel on the inside.  I think they will be Green, but they may be hazel.  Only time will tell!  

We think Max is getting his next two teeth, but we aren't sure what teeth  they will be.  At first I thought it was his top front teeth but now I think they may be his eye/canine teeth.  Either way, he's definitely teething as he's drooling, gnawing, and fuzzy.    Let's hope whatever teeth they are, they pop through soon!


The biggest news for Kam this month is that the tooth fairy made an early visit to the Law house.   Kam's bruised tooth finally had to be removed. It was getting progressively worse and the Dentist was worried the infection would start to damage the adult tooth.  We got 2 opinions and both Dr's said it had to come out.  However, one wanted to put him under to do it and the other said they would just numb it as it would be a very quick procedure.  After much debate Ken and I decided not to put him under.  We both were dreading it. When the day came Kam was actually excited to go to the Dentist.  Mostly because he likes the games and toys there.   However, when they took him back to the room he would not lay down or open his mouth.  Even though they put toy story on the tv for him.  They ended up having to put him in a papoose to strap him down.  He was strapped in from this shoulders down to his ankles.   He screamed the entered time.   Both Ken and I were in the room and it was pretty awful to watch.  Luckily the Dentist was really quick.  He rubbed the numbing gel on his gums, then gave him the shots to numb the gums, then once it was good and numb  the dentist quickly pulled it, and cleaned out the infection.  Then they had to put pressure on it make the bleeding stop.  The whole thing took about 10 minutes top.  Kam was pretty upset but we took him straight to target to pick out a toy, and he cheered up pretty quickly once we were at the store.  He picked out a spiderman on a motorcycle toy, and a minion playodugh toy.   After target we took Kam to get some frozen yogurt.   He was pretty happy after that, not complaining about his tooth or anything.  He occasionally told us his lip was 'ticklin' - when the novacaine wore off.   Watching Kam sit there strapped down and screaming was awful.  I felt sick to my stomach all day just replaying it over and over in my mind.  however, it was  quick and when he was done Ken and I were happy we chose to do it that way rather than putting him under.   Now we just have  to wait 5+ years for his adult tooth to come in!  haha

Here's a picture of Kam refusing to nap the afternoon after his tooth was pulled.   Clearly losing his tooth isn't stopping him from crawling out of bed.

 The last picture of Kam with both front teeth

Kam and Daddy planning video games at the dentist.

 This is why I feel like we will have more trips to the dentist/ER in our future

In other developments, Kam has also started peeing standing up.  Ken and I walked in on him standing in the bathroom just peeing toilet like it was no big deal.   We were cracking up!

Time outs haven't really been working for Kam so we have started taking away toys as punishment.  We take them away and lock them in the closet downstairs.  It seems to be working pretty well.  The first day was rough, we had 4 of his favorite toys locked away - buzz, woody, his firetruck, and a garbage truck.  His other favorite toys of the moment are all spiderman action figures.  He calls them motorcycle spiderman, "baby spiderman" and  "daddy spiderman"

Some of my other favorite Kam moments from this month:

The other day he blamed Woody for crumbling his graham cracker into the ground!

Kam calls max "Maxi million"

He loves to make Max laugh by jumping up and down.

First time daddy had both boys on his own over night- mommy went wine tasting.

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