Tuesday, January 7, 2014

15 months

Guess what?!!    It turns out the holidays are hectic so you are just going to get bullet pointed milestones and pictures on this update.    Enjoy!  :-)

Went back to IL for Christmas!    Played awesome with his cousins.

Played in the snow for the first time

Loves Mr. Potato head

Says cookie and grahmn cracker

signs please and thank you

plays peeaboo

loves to blow kisses

has a good sense of humor always doing things to make us laugh

loves to be outside

weighs 22 lbs

Recognizes both his Grandmas and tries to say grandma

Helps himself to food in the cupboard.

Loves his Pottery Barn Chair

Eats with a fork

Loves scrambled eggs

Likes to 'dip' things in ketchup or ranch

Will chew things and spit them out -

Drops things off the highchair on purpose and says uh oh

Likes to help "clean up" but wiping the floor

This month we will attempt to wean him from a bottle  and we are still working on the paci

Got the first stomach flu  :-(  Luckily Grandma Kathy was in town so she was here to help clean up and for moral support for mom and dad!

Can dribble a soccer ball

LOVES baby einstein.

Loves to play in cardboard boxes (we got him a big cardboard castle for christmas)

Still loves music and loves to dance.

Plays the harmonica - which we brought back from our trip to Amsterdam!

Thinks he can summersault.

RUNS everywhere!

Not allergic to peanuts!   yay!!

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