Monday, November 18, 2013

14 months

November was very busy for us.  Ken and I traveled to Europe.  I had a business trip to go to the flower shows in Holland and Ken tagged along to make it a vacation.   After Amsterdam we visited Brussels and Brugge.

We left Kam for a week with Grandma Suzi while we traveled and he did great.   They both really enjoyed their bonding time together and Ken and I enjoyed our alone time!

Here are a few updates on what our Kam Man is up to these days:

He loves spaghetti and green grapes

Loves wheel of fortune - claps for the contestants

Blinks and winks

Obsessed with all things water and drinking it all.

Likes to wave at the kiddos as they are leaving school

Can open and close the door himself

Trying to ween the paci so he only uses it at night and nap

Still wants everyone to smell his feet

Favorite toy is his ball popper

Says dada, mama, hi, hair,  bath, 'arf arf'

Sleeps from 8pm -6:40 am

Has all of his teeth except his 2 year molars.

is starting to test boundaries.

Here are a few pictures from this month:
 Kam hanging out with his besties Will and Mila

 Ken, Nat, Kam and I after our Thanksgiving turkey trot!

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