Sunday, September 30, 2012

Kamden Gerald Law has Arrived!

To pick up where I left off last time, I went to the Dr. Monday morning on 9/10.  She suggested that she induce me on Tuesday.  I agreed and she called the hospital to find out when they would have a bed available.  The said I could come in that night (Monday at 9pm).   So at 9 pm Mom, Ken and I arrived at the hospital.   We did some paperwork and then waited for a room.  They verified that I was 4 cm dilated and 90% effaced.  At 10:45pm they started an antibiotic drip.  At 11:45pm  they started the petocin.   We all passed the time watching the Chargers came, playing '7 little words' on our iphones and other games on our ipads.   None of us slept.  Things progressed very quickly as the upped the petocin every 30 minutes.  By 5 am on 9/11 I was 7 cm dilated and my water broke  I was quickly in enough pain to get the epidural.   The epidural was LEGIT.  EVERYONE should get the drugs.  Seriously.  No pain at all but I could still move my legs.   I'm telling you modern medicine is amazing.  Dr. Williams arrived on call from 7 am and she checked me and she told us we were ready to push.   The nurse got everything ready and I started pushing at 8:00am.  Kamden arrived at 8:34am on Sept 11th and he was a whopping 9.002 lbs and 21 inches!  We all were shocked as the Dr thought he would definitely be less than 8 lbs!!     About 2 hours later the nurse realized I was hemorrhaging and I had to be  rushed away from emergency surgery.  I'm so thankful both mom and Ken were there to stay with Kamden and pray for me during the surgery.  I definitely had God and my Dad as my angel with me that day.   After surgery I had to stay in recovery for about 4 hours but Kam, Ken and Mom were allowed to come into the room with me.   By 5:00pm that day we were finally able to enter into the Family post birth rooms.   It was a slow recovery for me as I lost a lot of blood but I was still feeling very blessed to have a very healthy baby boy.   Ken and Mom were great at helping with the baby.   Ken stayed at the hospital with me both Tuesday and Wednesday nights and we were released at about 3:00pm on Thursday afternoon.  It felt to good to be in our own house, with my own bed and my own bath.

Proof of our 9 lb baby
My Delivery Team and our pride and joy!
Our Family!

The first few weeks at home have been great.  Kamden is eating and sleeping well.  He latches right on and is eating about 7-8 times a day.  He's sleeping well during the night waking up only about 2 times a night; once around 2 or 3am and then again around 6 or so.   We are so very lucky to have such a good baby.  We're praying he keeps it up!   The first week mom and Ken would take turns getting up with me to help change him and rock him back to sleep but now I have a pretty good routine so I don't really need much help at  night.   Ken will still get up from time to time to help rock him back to sleep so I can get a few extra minutes of sleep - it all adds up! :-)   Mom has been great with helping cook, clean and change diapers as well as giving the new mom and dad lots of newborn advice!    She's had plenty of practice with Johnny and Lucas so it's been nice to have her around.

 We've been going through a TON of diapers - about 10-12 a day but happy that Kam is pooping and peeing like a pro - oh my how things have changed.  Who would have thought I'd be so excited over poopie and pee pee.  Ha  I'd still like to try and transition into cloth diapers in a month or so but we'll see!  

At 5 days old Kamden had his first photo shoot.  Our 'sleepy baby' was awake for most of the shoot, which made things interesting.   Here is my favorite picture from the shoot.    2 seconds later Kam pooped through the knit diaper and on to the photog's sheet and on our couch.  Awesome.

Kam's first Photoshoot
Mom left on Tuesday and Grandma Suzi arrived to help.  It was love at first sight for her and her first grand baby!  Grandma Suzi takes Kam for a nice long walk in the mornings and then sits in the shade by the pool.  They both love their morning time together!   I use the time to take a bath, do some odds and ends around the house or run a few quick errands.  I was even able to sneak out and get my hair done on Wed afternoon.  It's nice to be able to get out of the house and get a sense of normalcy!   She has also been working on sewing an adorable stuffed elephant for Kam made out of the left over material from Kam's bedroom set.  I can't wait to see the finished product!    Ken and I are so very thankful for all the help from both of our Moms.   We are so blessed to have such loving parents who are willing to come out and help us.  I don't know what we'd do without him.

On Sat we took Kamden to meet his new friend, Mila Biancardi.  Mila is our friend Jill and Jeremy's daughter who was born 11 days after Ken.   She is a tiny little peanut weighing only 6.13 lbs and 18 inches long when she was born so Kam looks gigantic compared to her.  Mila and Kamden are going to be best friends.  Here is a  picture from their first meeting!  

Mila and Kamden meet for the first time
Kamden will be 3 weeks old on Tuesday.  I can't believe how time flies.   In the past few weeks he's changed so much already.  He is VERY alert.  He definitely recognizes voices and faces.  He stares closely at people eyes and eyebrows.   In the past few days he has even started to smile.    Yesterday morning I got some really good smiles out of him.  It really melts my heart.  Kam is very strong.  He already turns his head to both sides and will pick it up and push off the ground during belly time.   He can also really kick and push off with his feet and legs some too.    This morning I put him on his play mat and put the mirror in front of his face.  He sat and stared at himself for a really long time.   He is definitely his fathers son! :-)  

Here are a few more of my favorite photos from the last 2 weeks.

Grandma Suzi is in love! 
Gma Kathy getting some Kam time before she leaves for AZ

Mommy's favorite past time.  
Be still my heart!
My Silly Boys

We are really in love with our little guy.   He really has our hearts and it's hard to imagine our life without him now.  Everyday is full of love and excitement!   We are truly blessed!


1 comment:

  1. Great post! Love the comment about staring at himself in the mirror! LOL Can't wait to see that smile that you're talking about!!! Bet he's just adorable. You're going to be so happy that you have this blog even a year from now when everything just seems like a blur ; )
