Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's a waiting game...

Welcome to the Law family blog!     My sister-in-law, Shana, created a blog when Johnny was born to keep all the friends and family across the country updated on the happenings of her family.   I loved reading it (and still do) and I thought it'd be a great way for Ken and I to keep you all posted too.  That is of course, once our little man decides to make  his appearance, whenever that may be!   For now, we wait.... and we blog.    

I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow and I've been 3 cm dilated and 80% efface for a week now.    My mom, moved her flight up a few days because Dr  Williams thought Kamden might come early, we sure hope he does!   We go back to the Dr. tomorrow to see what progress I've made.    We're hoping he comes sooner than later as we are all ready!   We've run our final errands.  The nursery is finished, the house is clean, the bags are packed and I've begun baking to pass the time.   This could get dangerous.    We're so anxious to meet our son and we can't wait to see his little face.   In mean time I'm attaching photos of our 'little man's hipster' nursery.  We had a lot of help from both of our moms, so a shout out to both of them!   Thanks Grandmas!!  We couldn't have done it without you!  

I'll try and post an update from the Dr. tomorrow, unless I'm in labor.  Fingers crossed! 

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