Sunday, October 11, 2015

Max is ONE!

Where did time go?  Our baby is ONE!   I just can't believe how fast a year goes with the second baby.  I feel like we blinked and Max was ONE!

Max is walking, running, climbing, clapping, laughing, jabbering and attempting to talk.  He says mama, dada, ball, dog, car, attempts to say 'duck' and 'sings' or jabbers along in melody to different songs.  His favorites are the ABC's or the Ironman song.   Max really likes music, when it is on he always perks up and dances.   He has started signing "all done" and "more" regularly.  He also love to read books.  He will grab books off the shelf walk over to you, hand you the book then plot down on your lap and make you read it.   He loves this tiny cardboard train book and the baby pumpkin book.  He will 'ROAR" when we get to the picture of a lion and a dinosaur in his pumpkin book.    He  VERY mechanical.  He will screw on and off the cap to our water bottles over and over again.  He loves to stack things and play legos.   Kam was NEVER into stacking or anything like that so it's so funny to watch how intrigued Max is with everything.   He also is starting to fight back.   He will push Kam, pull his hair, and even bite.  It's hard for Ken and I not to laugh when we see it because Kam has been picking on him for so long we are secretly cheering Max on.    This kid still eats and eats and eats.   He will eat pretty much anything we put in front of him and then he'll eat whatever is in front of Kam as well :-)   Lately he's been loving saltines.  He will walk over to the cabinet, open it pull out the box and bring it you and yell until you get him a cracker!    Max now has 6 teeth on top (4 and 2 molars) and 4 teeth on the bottom but he is working on 2 molars on the bottom and 1 incisor on the bottom as well making 13 teeth total.     He loves to give open mouth, slobbery kisses.   He still has THE BEST belly laugh.    At his 12 month appointment he weighted 23.8lbs (79%) and 30.5 inches (68%)   Max loves the blue car, anytime he walks into the garage he wants to sit in the car; he will even try to buckle himself in.  Max can now climb up the stairs at the park and go down the slide by himself (SEE VIDEO)

He also loves to swing.  He will walk outside and point up to the swing and 'yell' until you put him in there to swing.  He always loves to put on Al's purse and walk around the house wearing it.   After dinner he knows when it's bath time and he will climb up the stairs by himself and then he will close the gate behind him.   He loves to 'swim' in the tub by flipping over onto his stomach and then kicking his legs like a frog.  He also always tries to drink the water!  ehh!!

  Sept was a big month for us - Max turned 1 and Kam turned 3!!  We celebrated in style with  a joint superhero party.  It was a huge hit.  We had a jumpy house, a piñata (Kam's favorite part), mini superhero capes and masks for every kid.   Ken's mom and dad were able to join in all the madness for the party, and we needed all the extra helping hands we could get!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the party.

My mom bought the boys (and Al) passes to Legoland and the kids are obsessed.   Al takes them once a week, usually meeting Mila and Donita.  The kids love to play in the splash pads, and especially enjoy watching the 'fireman' show there.  Kam is now obsessed with legos.  He has 3 spiderman lego cars (all gifts for his bday) and he has an ironman lego guy.  He also loves to watch lego the movie and cartoons.

At Kam's 3 year appointment  he weighed 32.5lbs (59%) and was 3'3" tall  (84%).    He has been growing a TON lately.    He is still a really picky eater.  Usually we can get him to eat scrambled eggs, chicken nuggets, and mac n cheese.   He will eat grapes.   He will NOT touch veggies.  He can pick them out from a mile away.  No matter how hard I try to hide them in food, he always finds them and picks them out!  

Kam's crazy about Ironman.   He always wants to watch it, play it, pretend it... everything ironman literally.

Kam learning to swim, can push off the wall and go under water on his own for a while but he needs work on learning to  come up for air.   He can flip from his back to stomach in the water.

 Kam is actually starting to be nicer to Max will go up to randomly give him hugs and kisses.    It's really sweet.  Kam is usually genuinely excited to see Max in the morning when he wakes up.

Kam loves to take pictures and is really good at it, especially with our iPhones.  We bought him a kids digital camera for his birthday and the loves to play with it, but the iPhone is still his favorite.

This month I had an unfortunate run in with Kam's finger, literally.  I was getting Kam ready for bed and he was stepping into his PJ bottoms and he lost balance and flung his finger right into my eye.  Turns out I had a severe laceration of the cornea.  It took several trips to different eye doctors, eye drops, and dilation but it finally healed after about 2 months!

"I am shy of them"  Donita tried to drop Kam and Mila off at a Church Preschool for a few hours and that didn't go over too well.  ''

Kam knows how to spell his name "K - A- M"  and we are starting to work on recognizing numbers and actually counting items.   He can count well, we are trying to work on counting out itms.  He is speaking really well and remembers everything.   He walked outside and pointed up to the sky and said "look mom, a quarter moon"  I looked up and he was right.  I was shocked.  I asked him who taught him that and he said "grandma did"  hahaha.  SCIENCE!  

Another funny story about Kam.  I was giving him a bath the other night and he had sticky on his chest so I said "Kam, what is this, a sticker?"  he said "No, I think it's gum" I said "Gum? who gave you gum"  He said "Al Freaked out!" hahaha. I said "I bet she did, what did she say"   he said, "She said KAMDEN!"   then he proceeded to tell me "I was just trying to make my ironman button on my chest"   oh my goodness this kid and his imagination and superheroes.   He really is playing well by himself and pretending a lot.  I could sit and listen to him play all day.  Sometimes I find myself giggling just listening to him.   It really is such a sweet, fun age!

Kam is also into drawing self portraits.   He makes them out of his food, kitchen utensils, or draws them.  He always draws eyes, eyebrows, a nose and a mouth then he yells, "look mom, it's me!" :-) I hope he always stays that creative!

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