Friday, June 12, 2015

Max is 8 months

Sickness has been in our house for almost a month now.   It started when Kam got a cold, then Max had a fever for 5 days which turned out to be Roseola.  Then Kam got a cold with fever and passed it back to Max who was also teething at the same time.  Needless to say it has been a LONG month with lots of trips to the Dr and many sleepless nights.  Knock on wood, but I think  we are in the home stretch and hopefully will have a Summer free of sickness.   We need it as Ken and  I are more exhausted than we have EVER been before.  It's harder than we thought to work and raise 2 kids, especially when sleep is nonexistent.    We could really use a good vacation and by vacation I mean a few days away where we just sleep for about 12 hours a day!  haha

 We This month I had my first work trip since having Max.    I had to go to Chicago for a mother’s Day event in Chicago.   Of course this was during Max’s roseloa outbreak but Ken was a trooper taking Max to the doctor and holding down the fort while I was gone.    I was looking forward to getting a few full nights sleep while in Chicago but unfortunately that didn’t happen.  I had very busy days – building a flower wall and preparing for a TV appearance so between the late nights working, nerves for the TV experience, and early morning call times, I really didn’t sleep much at all.   Sigh.    Max has been a busy guy this month.  He now had 7 teeth – 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom.  He crawls lickety split EVERYWHERE in the house.   He’s started exploring the entire first floor – getting into cabinets, pulling books off shelves and trying to climb the stairs.   We have to keep all gates closed at all times.   He alligator rolls anytime you try to change him.    He still is the happiest baby around though – unless he’s tired he really does always have a smile on his face.  Besides smiling, he loves to dance, clap, blow raspberries, say ‘Dada’ and EAT.  Boy can this kid EAT.     He now eats any and everything.  He loves blueberries, waffles, chicken fingers, bread, bananas, cottage cheese, string cheese – pretty much anything you put in front of him.  We’ve also tried Peanut butter and strawberries with him and thankfully he is not allergic to either. 

We had a wonderful outing for Mother’s Day.  We met a bunch of friends and their kids for a day at La Costa pool.  Kam LOVED the kids pool there.  They have a 3 foot pool that is perfect for him to stand in, a toddler waterslide and a water pad.  He had a blast there and Max enjoyed himself too.    Kam is growing like a weed.   We’ve been measuring him in the garage and he’s grown almost 2 inches since Feb.   He is now 38 inches tall.  He’s a string bean.    He doesn’t really each much at the moment – we joke that Max’s eats enough for the both of them.   He is very picky.  He tells me everything is “too spicy” even though there is no spice in it.  OR he tells me “I don’t like that” before he even tries it.  He also hates ketchup all the sudden.  Definitely NOT my kid.    He will usually eat waffles, grapes and popcorn.  Sometimes hot dogs if we are lucky but I’m serious this kid is picky at the moment.    Kam is talking like a big kid now, telling stories, using his imagination, and unfortunately even talking back.   If I tell him its bed time he says “2 more minutes, mommy”     He told me there was a ‘big scary monster’ in ken’s office the other day but then busted the door open and said “oh don’t worry, it’s just the chair”   he will also shake your hand and say “I’m kam, nice to meet you”  He’s still absolutely obsessed with superheroes.  He’s taking an interest in the incredible hulk, giving Max “Hulk Hugs” and trying to through things around hulk style.   I think b/c he was sick and not sleeping well Kam was really testing us this month.  He was not listening well and throwing fits about every little thing.   He even got in my face one day when I was trying to get him dressed and he said “you want a piece of me”  I couldn’t believe it.    I was really worried he was going to be a real handful b/c I couldn’t figure out where in the world he picked up talking like that but then Al reminded me that Buzz says that to Woody in the Toy Story movie – so that made me feel a little better. 

We had a ton of visitors this  month.  Chris and Bo (Kam’s godfather and his wife) came out for a visit over Memorial Day weekend.  Unfortunately both kids were sick and quite the handful so they weren’t as cheerful as we would have liked but we all still had a great time together.    We were able to go to the beach for a bonfire Sunday afternoon/evening and everyone really enjoyed it.  Jeremy brought a kite and Kam was fascinated with it.    Aunt Natalie also made a visit for a long weekend at the end of the month.   Kams is still really attached to her and it’s always great to have a helping hand.   She couldn’t believe how much the boys had changed since she saw them at Christmas.   Grandma Suzi and Grandpa Kevin are coming the first part of June and we are always happy to have helping hands.  

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