Sunday, September 14, 2014

23 months and long overdue

This post is long overdue but as you can imagine life with a toddler and a pregnant woman are very hectic.  LOTS have happened since my last post so again this will probably read more like bullet points than an actual blog but hey it's better than nothing.

Ken took a new job with Key Benefits Administrators - our good family friend, Larry Dust, runs the company and Ken gets to work from home.  Now that he is home so much and gets to have lunch with Kam everyday he and Kam are best buds!  Too cute!

Kam crawled out of his crib for the first time at 20 months.   He crawled out and unfortunately fell and broke his arm! :-)  So first time out of the crib, first broken bone, first trip to the ER and first cast :-/.     He only had to wear it for 3 weeks and it didn't slow him down one bit.  he was still running, climbing and jumping all over the place.  we had to put away all the water toys and stay away from the pool for 3 weeks.  Bath time was brutal but other than that he was a champ

Because Kam climbed out of the crib we had to transition him to a toddler bed.  We converted his crib and he transitioned fairly easily - for the first month and a half... then we had an interesting turn of events after taking the binky  away but  more on this later.

We took his 6th round trip back home to IL in July.   We had a lot of fun with both grandparents and he loved boating and swimming with his cousins at the lake.  Kam loved Johnny and played with him a ton.

final days of the paci for Kam!

We also were able to take Kam to visit the U of I Campus and show him where mommy and daddy met.  It was hot but we had a great time showing him all our favorite places! 

our family at the alma!

 Kam's Namesake

 Our family at the eternal flame

We also attempted a few family photos with the Rodeen size while we were home.  Needless to say trying to get two toddlers and a 6 year old to cooperate was slightly stressful.  

No More BINKY!   After we returned home from our trip to IL the binky fairy made a visit to the Law house and took all of Kam's Binky's and left him with a gift for the first few nights he slept successfully without it.   He got a Monster truck, a new bouncy ball, and a guitar.  The guitar was definitely his favorite.  The first few bedtimes without the binky were rough but we all survived.    Kam was 22 months when we took the Binky away but Ken felt very strongly he was too old for the binky! :-)

Right after we took the binky away Kam started getting his 2 year molars - yes at 22 months - he always got all of his teeth very early.  This was BRUTAL and lasted for what it felt like an eternity.   We notice in mid July his bottom ones coming in.  It is now mid Aug and the top ones are still pushing through but we are almost in the clear.    He got a really high fever again (like he did when he got his first set of molars last July).  102 degrees!   But he started to refuse to take any medicine - even though he used to love the taste.  He spit it out all over the couch or his bed or whereever we tried to give it to him.   We would try to hid it in his milk, smoothie or other food and he would also taste it and refuse it.  Finally I figured out the  ultimately mommy trick.  I would freeze the ibuprofen in an icepop and then give it to him in popsicle form.   The trick worked thank goodness.   This teething has by far been the hardest b/c besides refusing the medicine Kam has begun to test boundaries, throw fits, (throw thing including our iPad which cracked the screen), HIT :-( and worse of all walk out of his room at all hours of the night.  

JABBER BOX -  jam is quite talkative these days.  as far as we can count he knows over 250 words.  He is just a sponge and repeats everything he hears.  He is even starting to put together sentences.
He uses phrases like "here it is", "wait a minute",  "we're home" or "how about"...   Here is a hilarious video of Kam trying to say "Frog"

He's still obsessed with his pup and knows the difference between the back up pup we got.

Kam loves the park and asks to go multiple times a day.   He likes to swing and go down the slide there.  Daddy often takes him at night to burn off some extra energy before bed.

Kam has peed and pooped on the potty - but not consistently at 22 months.   If we ask him if he needs to go potty and he says yes he will sit right on the potty and pee!

He is obsessed with minions.  Aunt nat visited (to help mom nest for baby #2) and introduced him to despicable me and it is the only movie he has ever sat through.  We now have watched both movies 1 and 2 about 100 times.  Kam just loves the minions and loves to dance to the music in the movie - especially the 'happy' song.

Kam kisses the baby (my belly) and gives my belly a lot of raspberries.  He also points to my belly button and says "POP" haha.

He basically down to one nap a day  usually going around 12:30 or 1:00 for only about an hour maybe an hour and half if we are lucky.

Kam can be very particular about what he wears  -for a period of time he only wanted to wear his "hunk pj's" or he would ask for a 'pink shirt' but he doesn't even own one.   He also tries to get dressed himself.  He loves dressing up in both mommy and daddy's clothes.  He knows how to put on shirts very well.

He also is a fairly picky eater - he eats a lot of 'shakes' which are protein shakes we make with chocolate protein, peanut butter and banana with milk.

We think he knows his colors but if asked what color something is he calls everything "pink" or occasionally white.  But if you let him tell you on his own he knows colors like blue and purple.

His favorite number is two. - everything is 2!

Kam loves to swim and is getting pretty brave jumping in (with a floatie on) and swims around.

Here are some of my other favorite photos of our family over the past few months

 Mom and I at the baby shower sue hosted

 our family + Al and Ken's Birthday party

Kam and I at the baby shower Lauren hosted for me

 Kam at Will's first Birthday

Grandma Suzi and Grandpa Law had a great visit!

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