Saturday, March 30, 2013

6 month update

  Our big boy is now 17 lbs 11 oz and 28 inches!   Where does the time go?!

New foods Kam has tried this month: apples, carrots, pears, apricots and sweet potato puffs.   Kamden is a  great eater - he opens wide and 'chews' even when he doesn't need to.  It's so cute check out the video below.   With new baby food comes new solid poops.   GROSS!!   We're also attempting a sippy cup although he doesn't quite get it just yet.    Kam can also hold his own bottle now.  He's even getting cocky and holding it with one hand!  What a show off!

This month Kamden has also gotten his 3rd and 4th tooth!  All 4 of Kam's teeth are on the bottom.  He's still drooling and ton and putting anything he can into his mouth.  He's got a quick grab so we have to be careful to watch what he picks up because it always inevitably ends up in his mouth!   He's also discovered his own ears and his "boy parts" and loves to tugs on them all the time.   It really must be  instilled in them at birth - I really don't their fascination with their balls.

We've had some warm weather in March here so Kamden had his first pool day.  He loves being outside.  The water was alittle chilly still (even though it's heated) but I think once it warms up a bit he will REALLY love it.

We're getting lots of laughing these days and Kamden especially thinks its hilarious when daddy 'scares' him.   We caught it on video today!

Kamden's favorite toys at the moment are his ball popper his standing play table and his singing  elephant.  Here he is 'standing' at the table

Our big boy can stand if he's leaning against something although he is getting brave and hanging on one handed.  He also sits by himself very well for long periods of time.  This is a picture of Kam sitting like a big boy in a hoodie I bought for johnny when he was a baby it makes my heart melt to see my little guy in it now.

A few weeks ago we dropped Kam's mattress down preemptively since he really had been moving around alot in there lately.   Good thing we did as Al, our Nanny, saw him sit up in his crib the other day when she put him down for a nap!   Ken and I still haven't seen it for ourselves yet but sure we will any day now!

Kamden is so well tempered most of the time and its easy to take him out and about.   Here are a few of my favorite shots from some of our fun outings this month

We gave Kamden his first 'big kid' bath in a real tub.  He LOVED it.  I read this trick on Pinterest - to use a laundry basket to help them sit up and keep their toys close.   It worked wonderfully.  He really enjoyed playing and splashing - he didn't even mind getting water in his face.   Ken and I both were a little sad that he's outgrowing his blue kitchen sink tub but with a smile like this it's hard to be sad for too long!

Last week we traveled back to Chicago for the 2nd time to celebrate my 30th birthday.   Kamden was a trooper- he did great on both flights.  He was a bit more squirmy than last trip but still very well behaved.   He had his first night in a hotel - he did great and he also stayed one night with Grandma Suzi and Grandpa  Kevin where he got his first "horsey" (a jumper that looks like a horse).   I actually don't have many pictures of Kamden from that trip - the Grandmas took most of the photos of him so I will have to upload those in my next update.   While we were home he began to 'babble'  he mostly says 'B's' but he just speaks gibber gabber in general.    When we came back from Illinois Al and Kam made Ken and I two special art projects - a birthday cupcake for me and an easter bunny for Ken.  How cute are these?

Today is Easter Sunday so off to church we go.  Will post pictures of Kam in his cute Easter outfit in my next update but Happy Easter to you all!

Love - Kate, Ken and Kamden

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