Sunday, January 17, 2016

15 months

Kam was the man with the yellow hat and Max was curious George although George did not want to wear his hat.  Kam loved trick or treating and we practiced it for weeks.   Max crashed early after the part.

Grandma kathy visited and as I was on my way home from picking her up at the airport both kids got the stomach flu.     This was Max's stomach flu, and Kam's 2nd.  Mom was here the first and only other time Kam got the stomach flu! ha.    Anyway max threw up first and then shortly after Kam threw up and said "look daddy, I threw up like Maxi"  haha.  The boys recovered within 24 hours but unfortunately Grandma Kathy woke up with it Thanksgiving morning!    It pretty much wiped out the whole house for the whole visit.  

Max is 15 months.

He weights 26 lbs

wild in the bath he love water poured over his head.  will lay back and put his head down and roll over in the water, blow bubbles.

all his teeth have finally popped through

tries to say turtle, train, truck cracker, daddy, dog, car, ball, 'toots', signs please, more, all done.   he will NOT say mama, mommy, or mom he will try to say everything else like 'joker, darth vadar, ben' just not momma.  he's torturing my heart!  walks up the stairs by himself.   can climb up on the couch.  throws fits and jumps up and down or throws himself on the ground.  yells REALLY loud.

love his cat puppet.

no fear will 'walk off' the couch.  he pretends to count "un, uh, ehh" then jumps.  also tries to say his "abc's" when he washes his hands.  Can ride Kam's scooter.  helps himself to food in the cupboard.  follows directions like 'get a diaper, time to take a bath, time to go to bed

love to ride in his little blue car.

can open the door to outside to the garage

Tries to buckle himself into his high chair or blue car.  loves to snap and unsnap buckles. stack legos.

still loves to swing and go down the slide.   starting to watch tv.  loves mickey and the elf on the shelf.  likes to dance.

Will eat and eat and eat and eat.

Went home to Illinois for  Christmas.   Got sick - with Croup  - first urgent care visit.
Loves to sing, dance and clap

Got the flu for the first time over Thanksgiving

fell off the couch and fell and bit his tongue.

Kam -
swim lessons - swam across the pool.  has a great imagination and pretends really well. his vocabulary is pretty impressive as well.  He's starting to do different voices.  He has a daddy's voice, a darth vader voice, and several others.

loves to play with play dough

favorite tv show - pj masks, paw patrol
favorite movies - inside out, the incredibles and the elf on the shelf and  Robots.  he LOVE robots, and pretends to be rodney copper bottom.  Tells me he's going to be an inventor 'when he is a man'  that's he new saying "when I'm a man I'm going to..."  

Frankie the elf has made an appearance.  Kam pretends to be the elf on the shelf - even sitting on the shelf and making us dress him in his elf PJ's and sing the elf on the shelf song even months after christmas.

He 'reads' books - the OPS! book and Dragons love tacos.   he has the pages memorized and repeats them.

Monster Jam