Monday, August 17, 2015

Max is 11 months

Well, it's official.... We have a walker!   Max is taking 10+ steps at a time and walking more and more on his own.

This month we had more beach time.   My mom, brother and Johnny and Lucas came out to visit us.   We rented a beach house in Mission Bay and made lots and lots of memories swimming, biking, flying kites, and having endless water gun fights.   The house had a pool, a hot tub, it was steps to the beach and it included beach cruiser bikes, stand up paddle boards, and kayaks!    Johnny loved being able to bike along the boardwalk and the little boys loved sitting on the end of the paddle boards while we paddled.   The 3 older boys slept in one room with bunk beds - although we didn't trust any of them to sleep on the top so we put one of the mattresses on the floor!   Getting them all to sleep at night was quite the fiasco but it certainly will make so many memories.    Lucas would beg to go into the pool about as soon as he was up.  The kids spent all day jumping in and out of the pool and hot tub.   We even brought a small pool for Maxipoo!    We also wandered to the oceanside (we were on the bayside) of the beach one day so they could see and play in the big waves.   

We were also able to celebrate my mom's birthday all together which was just wonderful.  We started her big day off by getting family photos.   Believe it or not the boys all cooperated and I think we got some really great photos.  I can't wait to see how they turned out.   We haven't seen the proofs yet but I'll be sure to post them when we do.    Johnny had been dying to go to Legoland so we also made a trip there.  It was the first time Kam and I had been as well but all of the boys really enjoyed it.   Unfortunately, it was pretty hot that day and the lines were long but the boys didn't seem to mind.    Johnny said he wanted to ride his first roller coaster but then he changed his mind in line :-)     Lucas and  Kam were a little small to ride a lot of the rides but with a little white lie they were able to ride this horse ride.  they were supposed to be 36 inches AND 4 years old both were definitely tall enough and they passed the test when asked how old they were hehehe.  Here's the video.    

Speaking of tall - Kam is growing like a leaf - he grew another inch in just a few months.   We've been measuring him on the door frame in the garage and he just keeps growing and growing.  While he's getting taller and skinnier, Max is just getting rounder :-)   That kid LOVES to eat.  He really does eat anything and everything.  Max's been outside so much this Summer he even has tan lines in his wrist rolls.     He's now intrigued by feeding other people as well.  He loves to share his food by shoving it in your mom if you are holding him.  Hey, at least he likes to share!  Max is working on his first molar, or his 9th tooth.   He gets fussy from time to time but not too bad considering how much pain he must be in.     Max will also give lots of wet kisses with tongue.    He loves to wave and babble  occasionally saying dada, mama, hi, and duck.    

Kam's imagination is exploding.  He's still obsessed with all things super heroes and now makes us play along with him.  I often find myself playing 'evil hydra' or being 'all trapped up' by spider man (Kam's webs).    At night after I put him in bed and say his prayers he says 'now batman' and I have to sing the batman song.  Then he will say "and spiderman?" and I have to sing that.  Sometime's he will throw me for a loop and I say "and joker?" or some superhero that doesn't have a song and I will tell him "Mommy doesn't know that one, how does it go?" and he usually just makes up a tune and says "Joker joker joker" or something along those lines.    Cracks me up.

Kam's language is also really exploding.  He will say things like  "I need to ask you a question" (his favorite  bedtime stall tactic' or 'Almost forgot my blanket' but it really sounds like 'most forgot'   He will also 'taddle' on himself.   Every night when I get home from work I always ask him how his days was.   Lately he tells me what he did wrong.  For example he said "I climbed the stairs, I wanted to watch TV in your room,  I got a time out"   hehehe   or he says "I pushed Mila"  I wonder how much longer that will last until he figures out he's telling on himself.   He's also on a donut kick and been asking Al to take him to get donuts in the mornings so maybe he's smarter than I think.    Other funny things Kam says:  "want some dude?"  he calls Max "maxi poo poo" and will say "i need to climb the walls" when he pretends to be spiderman.    He asks for privacy now while using the restroom.  If I go in there with him he will say "a little privacy?" and then point to the door like I should walk out!  haha

In July I started doing the 21 day fix diet/workout which involved 30 minute workouts on DVD's.  Kam loves to get his weights (3 lbs) and 'exercise' with me.   He also likes to 'go for a run' he won't sit in the stroller anymore he likes to run alongside the stroller.   He actually keeps us pretty well and can go pretty far.   I'm really happy that our kids are starting at a young age to understand how important health is.  I want them to see that Ken and I both make time to workout and stay healthy.  I hope it can always be part of their lifestyle.  

I can't believe I'm busy planning a 1st AND 3rd birthday party for the boys next month.   How is it possible I will have a 3 and 1 year old.   I'll give you one guess what the theme is. 

max is 10 months

life is busy busy busy with 2 boys but oh so fun!

This month we took a trip back home to  Illinois for the 4th of July.  Both boys were good on the plane.  Kam was soooo excited to get on an airplane he could barely wait to board it.   He was awesome on the flight too just watching the iPad with his own headphones and looking out the window.  Max was good too - a bit squirmy and only slept 30 mins on both flights.     It was so fun for the boys to see their cousins.  They got a lot of time with Haily, Johnny and Lucas.   We had a great trip to Brookfield Zoo with all the Laws.  It was great to spend the day together!   Max and Kam were even able to play with their 2nd cousins on both sides.     We went to Ken's Grandma's memorial service and a BBQ at Uncle John and Aunt Kris so they got so see most of the Ohse Family.  Then we went down to Paxton for the 4th of July and they were able to see all of the Rodeen cousins including Joe and Heidi's girls Tuesday and Cali, and Jerry and Bethany's girls Brylie and Brielle.    They all had a great time swimming and boating on the lake.    Kam also loved "fishing" He would sit on the dock so patient hoping to catch a big fish just like Johnny.  Too bad his poles never even had line on it!   We also celebrated Lucas's 3rd birthday -I can't believe Kam will be 3 soon too.    This trip Lucas and Kam interacted much more than at Christmas.  They played like brothers and fought like brothers.   They really are two strong willed kids.  Haha.  Johnny is just as sweet as ever and such a good big helper!   Max is standing more and more on his own and will even take a step or two here and there but definitely prefers to crawl lickety split wherever he can go!      Kam also got see a ton of tractor's of the Paxton Old Fashioned 4th of July.     He was lucky enough even sit on the one that my mom's neighbor Dana owns.   He was in heaven.

Al has been taking the boys to the beach a lot this summer with Mila and her Nanny Donita.  It's great that they get to see Mila so much.  Mila just loves her 'maxi' and she thinks he's her baby.  It's so sweet.  Kam also got in his first 'fight' at the park when he was there with Al.   He was playing with a little boy when Max crawled over.  The little boy said "no babies allowed" and Kam piped up "Yes babies allowed!!" but the little boy said "No, no babies allowed" and Kam walked over to Max put his arm around him and said "Yes, babies allowed" and then 'shot his webs' at the little boy and walked away. hahaha.  Makes my heart happy he stuck up for his little brother - especially since he is usually the one picking on him :-)

As I mentioned Max is taking a few steps on his own but he will walk by pushing anything he can.  He loves to walk with Kam's turtle, his walking, trucks, toys, you name it if he can balance on it he will walk with it.

The boys are also loving all the pool time they are getting this Summer.      Kam has started taking semi private swim lessons once a week and he his really improving.    Max is fearless - of course and he will jump right in the pool of the side of the wall.   We call it playing 'humpty dumpty'.     Here's a video

Kam also so his very first movie in a theater -  the Minions movie!      He thought it was so cool and sat through the entire thing (minus one potty break)  Dad stocked him up with popcorn, his own pop and some fruit snacks and he was set!   He said it was the biggest TV he had ever seen and when it was all done he wanted to watch it again!

We also are officially a solar power family.   We finally got our solar panels installed and approved to turn on.    We talk about it so much Kam will often tell me he's "working on the solar panels" when he pretends to fix things!

July was full of all the best things summer has to offer -the beach,  pool time, lake time, BBQ's, sunshine and family and the boys are loving every minute of it!