Sunday, May 10, 2015

Max is 7 Months

Max is crawling up a storm.  Just as the beginning of the month he was figuring out how to army crawl.  Now he is full-fledged crawling all over the place and getting into everything.  Our “chill” baby is no longer with us.  He can move to anything he wants, will crawl to toys, pull up on the fireplace and toy baskets and will sit on his knees.  He’s also started pulling himself up to a standing position in his crib and on the  ottoman and toy boxes in the living room.   He has cut his top two teeth – making 4 teeth total  AND I another on the top might be popping through so the 5th is on its way.   He still loves blowing raspberries.  He also very intently watches EVERYTHING Kam does and just thinks he’s the bees knees.   He cracks up at anything Kam does to make him laugh.   Max can also clap and will mimic you if he sees you clapping.   He loves to babble da da da.  We’re on to more solid food with Max as well.  He LOVES frozen mini pancakes and waffles.  He’s tried whole bananas and avocados.    He also like the baby cheese puffs and of course the baby mum mums and other puffs.  Max would eat until he exploded if we let him J   He weighs about 20 lbs.   He will also put anything he finds into his mouth so now that he is on the move we have to be very careful with what is on the ground.  He still loves to swing.   If he’s fussy we usually put him in the swing in our backyard and he calms right down.      Max’s sleeping is still sporadic.   While we can get a solid stretch from him, we can’t always count on him to sleep until 6 am.   A lot of times he will wake around 5 or 5:30.   We’ve really been trying to push him to  6 as least.  Some days he does it but not always so we’ve been experimenting with different bed times and only letting him take 2 naps for a total of 3 hours.    His eyes are still a grey/green with specs of brown but he is getting LOTS of blonde hair.

Grandma Kathy came to visit this weekend and she couldn’t believe how much Max has changed.  He’s just so alert.  We took him strawberry picking and too the floral fields.   We also went out to eat several times and took him to the Encinitas street fair.  Max loves to be out and about with the wind in his face.     Kam loves eating out at restaurants too although he would choose subway every time if we let him J  hehe.    Kam is currently obsessed with all things superheroes.   Every day after his nap, if Ken is working from home he will wander into Ken's office and say "Spiderman?" and then he climbs on Ken's lap and picks out a Spiderman picture on the internet and Ken prints it out for him.   It's so sweet.  He could look at spiderman pictures all day.  He love spider man, captain America, and the incredible hulk.   Although he calls him ‘captain hulk’   it’s too cute to correct.   He also pretends to ‘hulk out’ by squeezing him fists together and gritting his teeth.   It’s hilarious.   Kam’s imagination is really going wild these days.   I love to watch him play and pretend.   He’s getting better at puzzles but mostly the shapes and animal ones.  He doesn’t do very well with a true puzzle.   Favorite foods of the month are corndogs, strawberries, and popcorn.     He’s been watching the movie Nemo a lot lately.      His favorite song and music video is “GOGO” by George Michael.   He loves singing “wake me up before you go go”   He is singing a lot lately, actually.   Here is a video of him signing in Al’s car.

He can be really sweet to Max.   Saying “Oh I love my Brother” and "he's so cute" while giving him kisses but he will also take toys from him or push him.  The typical love hate relationship between siblings.  Now that Max can sit up and "play"  Kam is much more interested in playing with him.   I can't wait for them to get older and watch them really play together.  Kam's new thing is wiping kisses off.  Every time someone gives him a kiss (or a high five, or a hug, or a pound)  he immediately wipes it off his face and states "I wipe your kiss off" with a big grin on his face.  Every night before bed we say our prayers and then I give Kam a kiss and every night he wipes it off right before I walk out of the room. ha!   He also will pinch you and  say "I got your butt" and then pretend to eat it.  strange kid. :-)   

This month was also Easter.  We had a great time with Kam.  He's obsessed with these strange you tube videos of Kids opening plastic easter eggs filled with toys so of course he was stoked to get his own Easter eggs.   He had a blast at the Encinitas Easter egg hunt on Saturday and got a ton of eggs.  Then we had all our friends over for a potluck style brunch.   It was great to have all the kiddos together and we ever hid a few more eggs around for them to find.  Although we did make a somewhat rookie mistake by filling all the eggs with candy.  The kids were losing their minds on all the sugar.  Next year we will fill with goldfish or so blueberries. haha.  Kam LOVED the easter bunny and had fun with all his friends.  We are so lucky to have so many friends with kids the same ages.