Here's a video of Max babbling
Max will reach for his toys that dangle in front of him on his play mat. He will also grab and squeeze your hand. He is really slobbering up a storm. Kam got his first teeth at 3 months so I'm hoping that's not already starting with Max - I feel like we just finished this with Kam! He also is putting his hands in his mouth, sucking his fun and will hold toys. He also can sit in the bumbo for long periods of time. He farts and belches like a grown man - it takes everyone for surprise. Max also has started spitting up some too. It's usually about 30 minutes after he eats but he will spit up a fair amount at a time. Between the spit up and blow outs he keeps us on our toes. Kam even has started to ask "blow out" or "spit out" (as he calls it) when ever he hears a noise from Max. haha
Max's first thanksgiving(s)
We had a friends giving at the Burnhams last week with all of our friends. We had a great time with wonderful food and snapped this super cute picture of all the kiddos from oldest to youngest!
Aunt Nat came out for Thanksgiving and she couldn't believe how much Max had grown and changed. We ran a 5 k along the coast on thanksgiving morning. I pushed both boys in the stroller and of course Max snoozed through the whole thing and Kam loved cheering on all the runners as we passed them (or they passed us - haha). Later that day Ken fried a turkey and Al and her boyfriend, Dave, joined us for a thanksgiving dinner. We had a beautiful, sunny warm day and enjoyed being outside with everyone.

The day after thanksgiving we started a new tradition. We went to the tree lighting ceremony at the Forum. Kam loved dancing to the live music, and was ecstatic when santa arrive. I got the cutest video of him. Also there was "snow" there that Kam was in awe of! That night we put the boys in their new matching christmas pi's and read them elf on a shelf. Kam named the elf Frankie and so far we are having a lot of fun with him. This morning Kam found Frankie sitting on the bananas and he said "FRANKIE! CLIMBING! BANANAS! FUNNY!" Haha
Kam saying "santa" |
Reading Elf on the Shelf for the first time. Kam named him Frankie.
We also attempted family photos when Natalie was here. It was comical to say the least here are some of my favorites .
neither boy is happy! haha |
More Kam updates: - 27 months - and potty trained.
We started potty training Kam recently. He's showed interest in the potty several different times but we didn't want to push it before the baby came as there were already so many changes going on. Recently he started going on the potty again after he saw Ken use the toilet. Then he woke up a few mornings with a dry diaper so I asked Al if she thought he was ready and she did so we decided to take a serious stab at potty training this weekend. Al potty trained many kids at her old day care so she has been a great resource for us since this is our first time! We started on Friday and told him he would be 2 M&M's every time he peed on the potty and 4 M&M's for poop (or a popsicle). We put him in big boy underwear (minion undies that aunt nat bought) and no pants for most of the day. He loves his big boy undies. We asked him every hour if he had to pee and would try and sit him on the potty as often as possible. He had several accidents, including one at the park, but he also went on the potty several times that day. No poop on the first day, I think he was holding it. We put a pull up him at bedtime. We also learned to put one on him over his undies when we go out and about (thanks to the advice of Al). That way he can still feel that he is wet but it won't ruin his clothes and it makes it easier to change him in public if needed. He was definitely holding his poop (for 2 days) and several times he would tell us he needed to poop but he would sit on the potty for 2 seconds and pop back up and say 'it's not working.' hahaha. He finally pooped on day two after Ken pretended to go poop in the bathroom with him and told him to squeeze from his tummy. Kam was soooo proud of himself and he yelled "it's working it's working!" That kid really cracks me up. Monday was his first day over at Kel's with Al and he made it the whole day with no accidents (first time). It's been 2 weeks now and we are still doing well. I officially canceled my diaper subscription for Kam's diaper and we are thrilled
Kam's favorite foods of the moment - chicken nuggets, grapes, and popcorn.
He wants to do everything him 'self'
Everything is 'mines' and doesn't share very well - we are working on that
He will push the kitchen stool anywhere he wants to climb.
Favorite movie is still Frozen
Loves live music - a few weekends ago we went to Encinitas' Fall Festival and there was plenty of live music Kam even got to play this washboard instrument (not sure what the real name is) with the band. He got a kick out of it. Max of course snoozed the whole time even with the loud music :-)
Kam is FINALLY saying "I LOVE YOU" Stubborn boy would say everything else but that! Ken and I went out on a date night last weekend and Al watched the kids. She sent us this video of Kam telling us goodnight and I love you. I think I could watch it a million times everyday.
Funny Kam Stories from this month:
I found Kam hovering over max with his shirt up and when I asked him what he was doing he told me Max was hungry (he was trying to nurse max) hehe. He's also tried to nurse his spiderman toy.
He told me one morning his knee was leaking milk.
He tells me "no pump" when I try and pump around him.
If the baby coughs Kam turns to him and asks "Wrong pipe?"
One morning I brought Max downstairs and he was crying b/c he was hungry and Kam looked up at Max and very matter of factly said "Hi Mad Max" haha. Ken and I call max "mad max" when he is fussy but we thought it was hilarious that Kam used it correctly - his comedic timing is spot on.
If you are pestering his to do something he will finally give in and say "okay okay okay" in the same tone Miss Al does it when Kam is nagging her.
If Ken or I yawn around Kam he says "are you tired momma?"
Life is busy with two boys but we are loving every minute. We're looking forward to introducing him to everyone when we are back in a few weeks.