Sunday, April 6, 2014

18 months... Kam's a big brother!

Kam is jabbering up a storm these days and probably has over 30 words.  some of his favorites are
eat, car, dog, keys, outside, no, peeeese (please),  Tank u (thank you), bubble, ball, cavado (avocado), staberrie (strawberry), milk, cheese, grahm cracker, jake (nick and kel's dog), baby, Go, ouch, chip, dip, mint (he loves icebreakers), eyes, toes, head, yogurt, pee, hot, cool, bye bye and of course mama and dada.  He even is beginning to put 2 words together like "i go" or  "milk pease"  and he tried to count saying "1, 2 go!" before he goes down the slide at the park.    he really is picking up new words everyday and tries to repeat everything we say!  

He still loves playing outside especially in our newly re-landscaped backyard thanks to Grandma Suzi and Grandpa Law!  :-)  

I turned 31 in March and Ken surprised me by flying in a my best friend Natalie for a weekend visit.  It was just what the doctor ordered!   WONDERFUL!

He loves to eat and I swear he eats all day.  But he must need the calories because he is non stop from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to bed.  He runs, climbs, laughs and constantly keeps us on our toes.   He recently learned out to climb on our tall barstools and that makes mommy very nervous.  Kam also climbs up on the bottom rail along the stove drawer, hanging on the top rail, pulling back and forth saying 'hot, hot hot'  that makes mommy and daddy crazy.   our entire house is baby proofed from inch to inch.  

As wild as he is, he's still a very loving baby.  He love to give kisses, blow kisses and will smile and wave to anyone we meet.   He is also quite the goofball!

He took his first swim lessons in Feburary.  He didn't love them as much as we thought he would but there were alot of kids of all different ages, and I think he was overwhelmed.    He whined most of the time we were there (for all 4 lessons).  we have taken him swimming since the lessons and he did actually learn a few things.   he knows how to blow bubbles, kick his feet, and get in and out of the pool on his own.  

He currently obsessed with "pee" and "poopie"  He hides when he is pooping or will cover his eyes if he thinks you are looking at us.   Sometimes he will even tell us "pee" if his is peeing or pooping in his diaper.    and if he sees you go into the bathroom he will follow you in there or will yell "PEEEE" from across the room if he can hear anyone peeing.  Haha.  given this new interest in pee and poop we have purchased a potty for him.   he will sit on it and 'flush it' but we haven't have any pee or poop in the potty yet.  we also haven't seriously tried it but just wanted him to get used to the idea peeing on the potty!   we're hoping he is potty trained before new baby  arrives....

By the way... did i mention kam is going to be a big brother?!   We found out in January we are pregnant again.   At 12 weeks they could already tell it was another boy - kam is going to be such a great big brother.  we just can't wait to see these 2 boys together.      We're due on Sept 16th so the boys will be almost 2 years apart and we pray they are the best of friends.

Kam continues to fill our hearts with love and joy everyday.  I just can't imagine what it is going to be like with 2 little rowdy boys running around.

UPDATE -   I'm updating this after the fact because there are several months in between my post but I wanted to include some of my favorite pictures from this spring.

Mom and Paul came to visit over Easter and we had a great time.  Mom and I visited the flower fields with Kam and got some great pictures.  We enjoyed time at the beach and the pool with Mom and Paul.  Ken and Paul also spent some quality time together at different breweries.

Here is a picture of me 5 months pregnant - another little boy on the way! :-) 

With the new baby on the way Kam is getting a big boy room - we are doing a nautical/surfer theme.  Every Cali boy needs a surfboard so we have officially purchased Kam's first surfboard.  Grandma Suiz is going to paint it up to hang it and decorate it for his room. 
 Mike visited and for a weekend and Kam warmed up to him very quickly.  Here's a great video of how fearless our wild man is!