Tuesday, May 7, 2013

7 months.... better late than never.

Our big boy is 7 months, well almost 8 by the time this working mom got the blog updated, but better late than never, right?    He is 18 1/2 lbs and he is getting more and more mobile.    He doesn't "crawl" in the normal sense, he gets up on one knee, one foot and both hands almost in a tripod position and then somehow moves from point A to point B as you can see in the photos above.   He's still as smiley as always and generally very happy!  He now has 7 teeth.  4 on the bottom and 3 on the top.  The top three were brutal for our sleep in the Law house but now that they've poped through Kam is sleeping through the night.  Knock on wood that this continues but for the last week we have put him down at 7pm and he sleeps until 6:30am.   It's pretty amazing.    Kam is also starting to babble.   We're pretty sure he said "dada" in the tub the other night but he was not really aware of what he was saying.  None the less here's an adorable picture of kam and his 'dada' :-)

This month Grandma Suzi and Grandpa Grumpy came to visit.   We did learn that Grandpa Grumpy is not a fair name because this tough guy just melts when he has Kamden in his arms.   Kam feels the same way as you can see!  He never sleeps in anyone one elses arms so Grandpa must have the magic touch!
Kam loved all the extra attention from his grandparents and they were pretty much in heaven as well.  They couldn't believe how much he had changed in just the few short weeks since they had seen him last. 

Grandma and Grandpa with "wild boy II"     

Ken's nickname as a baby was "wild boy" and we have starting calling Kam that now too since he is so active!
We've been working on teaching Kam how to wave.  I looks like he is waving in this picture above but I'm pretty sure it's just a fluke.  He is getting close as he will put his arm up and sometimes moves his fingers back and forth in a waving motion but he doesn't do it consistently. 

Kam also continues to eat like a champ.  He loves to feed himself.  He likes cut up bananas, pears, avocados, and sweet potatoes.  He makes a real mess when he's eating but he thoroughly enjoys it as you can see from the video below

His new move this month is the downward dog.    He gets into this pose from the sitting 'tripod' position mentioned above and then lunges forward.   It's pretty hilarious to watch but it's the perfect yoga position! 
Kam is also ventured into pulling himself up... on to EVERYTHING.    It is very scary for us as he is super active and he has no fear - a very scary combination - hence the name "wild boy"   He loves to pull himself up on the coffee table, the tub during bath time, his crib and even the wall or mirror on his closet.   Really anything he can get the slightest bit of leverage on.  He really amazes me sometimes - sneaky little bugger. 
Since Kam can sit up and pull up so easily it makes nap time very interesting when he does not want to nap.   More often than not he sits or stands up screaming, and protesting his nap and then will chuck his paci out of the crib and cry and cry.   He finally exhausts himself so much that he eventually falls asleep in a sitting position.  Here's a picture of him on the monitor just hunched over and sleeping - using his bumper as pillow.   I decided to put the bumpers on that Grandma Suzi made because he is so active in his crib I thought he could use a little extra padding :-)  
Kam also loves to blow raspberries and especially enjoys blowing them in the tub.  I think this video is hilarious! 

This month Kamden is making his first catalog appearance.  When he was 4 months old  I brought him into work for a baby photo shoot for our company Personal Creations.   His images are being used in the Father's Day catalog that is going out later this month.  Kam is both F and G in the image below.  Look how tiny he was!  Such a cute little model!  

Again we've been having a lot of super warm weather so Kam has really been enjoying his pool time.  We drag down this cute little inflatable pool and he will sit and play for hours.    Happy water baby like his momma. 
Love this picture where it looks like he's saying "where are all the hot chicks, mom?"
Kam even loves getting in the big pool.  Here is a video I captured of Kam and Ken swimming this weekend.

We've also been able to take Kam out to eat more and more.  Sunday we took him to Beamont's for a Sunday Funday with friends and he was really into the live music they had there.   Friday night we stopped by our local Italian joint and enjoyed a nice glass of wine and a meal outside.  Kam got to sit in his first high chair at a restaurant.  What a big boy!   

Kam thinks he doesn't need to crawl and instead would like to jump straight to walking.   He pulls himself up lets go and stands on his own for a few seconds at a time.  It's terrifying to Ken and I but Kam is thrilled.  I know we are totally going to be in for it once he figures out this walking thing.  There is only one word to describe him.   WILD.


As I mentioned, Ken's nickname as a baby was "wild boy"  Ken's mom sent over this video of Kenny when he was 3 at the park.   All I can say is "OH MY!"  If Kam is half as crazy as Ken was here we are in for a lot of tense moments!  hahaha

The original WILD BOY

As a final note I have opened a email address for Kamden.  How modern of me, right?  Or maybe you think I'm just crazy :-)    I wanted to make sure I snagged the email address kamdenlaw@yahoo.com before someone else.  Also I thought it might be fun to email him from time to time and then let him read them when he's older.    Feel free to send him emails and "drop him a line" from time to time yourself.  

Until next time.... xoxo