Saturday, February 16, 2013

5 month update - lots of firsts

We've had alot of changes over the last month.  It seems like everyday Kamden is learning something new!  Ken and I are getting the biggest kick out of watching him change daily and literally grow up right before our eyes.  He still is a truly happy baby - always smiling and laughing.  He's a true joy to be around.

This month Kamden started showing a ton of interest in our food, watching us eat and then he would try and grab our food and put it in his mouth so we decided to start Kamden on solid foods.  We started with a little rice cereal in his bottle before bed (hoping that would help him sleep through the night - boy were we wrong - more on that later).  Then we tried avocado.  Kam was thrilled with his avocado. Since then we've also tried oatmeal, sweet potatoes, squash, and bananas.  We've been trying to make our own baby food - so far so good but we'll see how long we have time for that!  Sweet potatoes are definitely Kam's fav!   Here are a few photos from our adventures in solid food.    Oh and one bad thing about Kam eating big kid food is his big kid poops!   I sure do miss those breastfeed diapers.  These new ones STINK and make me literally GAG.  haha

Grandma Kathy came out for a week at the end of January.   She came to help out for a few days while Ken had to travel out of town on business. We had a great time and she couldn't believe how much Kamden had changed since Christmas.   While she was here we took Kam on his first trip to the zoo.  Although he was too little to know what exactly was going on, he seemed to appreciate the pretty scenery.    I wore him in a carrier most of the day and he was very alert and interested in his surroundings.   Grandma Kathy bought us zoo passes so I have a feeling we will be there alot more now!     We also took a trip to the beach one day while Grandma was here and enjoyed a trip to the Little Italy farmers market followed by lunch at the Prado in Balboa park.  Kam is such a good little traveler was well behaved on all of our trips!
Our Cool SoCal Kid at the zoo

Here are a few snap shots from our adventures while Grandma visited:

in front of the zebras - my favorite at the zoo!


Kam also had his first play date with his friend Immi.     Immi is my co-worker Nikki and her husband Adam's baby.  She was born in November and is only 10 weeks old.  She's teenie tiny compared to Kam but that didn't stop Kam from loving on her and pulling on her thick hair.
How cute are these two:

Around Christmas time our good little sleeper left the house.  Kam has been doing well at night but between the time change and then teething Kamden's sleep schedule had been all across the boards.  After a while we realized he was just waking up at habit - and now that I'm back at work I couldn't afford to be up every 3 hours.    We decided to attempt sleep training/night weening and boy did it work!   It only took 3 nights and Kam has been sleeping like a champ ever since!  Mom and I started it while  Ken was out of town.   A glass of wine to calm my nerves before bed and a couple of set of ear plugs and we were on our way.   We used a modified 'Cry it out' approach where we would let him cry for one minute and then go in and give him his passie and pat him for a minute and then walk out.    If he continued to cry then we wait to go back in after 3 minutes and do the same thing,  pat and passie for one minute and leave.   Each time we walked  out we would increase the waiting time by two minutes, so  5 mins, 7 mins, etc.   The first night it took about an hour get him to go back to sleep on his own.    The second night it only took about 20/25 minutes but he was up 2 different times.  Mom and I would alternate going in but it was so nice to have reenforcement!  By night 3 when Ken returned home Kam only woke up once and when right back down on his own.  By night 4 he was sleeping through the night!   He's been sleeping from 7pm to 4:30 or 5 every night since.   I feed him at 5 and then put him back down until 7:00 most days.   It makes for a much happier, well rested mommy and daddy!  We will see what happens when he starts teething starts up again but fingers crossed it won't throw us for too much of a loop.

Another "sleep" development in the past month is the way Kamden likes to move all over in his crib.  We will put him in the crib with his head facing one way and then when we wake up his head will be on the other side of the crib.  He also has decided he likes to sleep sideways in his cribs most nights.    I watched him on the monitor one night to see how he moves around so much and I was impressed by his technique.   First he kicks his feet over so he can roll onto his side then he pushes off the bars on the crib until he twists 90 degrees in the other direction!      Today I was watching him on the monitor while he was trying to fall asleep for his nap and he actually flipped over from his back to him stomach.   He was really proud of himself so I went in and snapped this photo of him.  Now every time we put him down for bed or a nap he flips at least once before falling asleep  What an active sleeper we have!

Ken's been obsessed with getting Kam to belly laugh and finally this weekend he got a big ol' belly laugh out of Kam.  He was jumping in his jumperoo (which he still loves) and Ken was trying to surprise him by saying boo.  Kam let out a big belly laugh and thought it was too funny.    I was in the shower so Ken grabbed his phone to capture the moment.  Thanks goodness he did because it was pretty darn cute.  We've heard him laugh a few times since but are looking forward to hearing it much more!

Video fo Kam laughing

Kam now sits up on his own for extended periods of time without toppling over.   I have a video of it but for some reason it won't upload.  I'll have to try it again later and if I can get it attached I'll send out the update.    He's not super stable but he can sit for a few minutes or so and play with his toys.  He's especially intrigued by his new ball popper toy.  He watches the balls very intently and tries to grab for them as the pop up.     Kamden also had his first ride in a swing at the park today.  Al put in him a swing and he of course loved it.  He really thinks he's a big boy in this swing   Kam also attended his first super bowl party  check out this picture of him relaxing in his football jersey!


We had a 80 degree sunny day today so we decided to take Kamden for his first swim.   He seemed to not mind being in the water but even though the pool was heated I think he was still a little cold.  He didn't really cry but he didn't "love" it either.  I think he'll really enjoy it more this summer when he is a bit bigger and the water is even warmer.  Mommy and Daddy were just happy to get out in the sun!

We can't wait to see what the next month brings for us and our ever changing big boy!