Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kamden Rolls Over!

I know I just posted yesterday but this morning we finally got a video of Kamden rolling over (after missing getting it on video 3 times!)    Here is our 5 week old rolling over!   Way to go Kam!

Also I wanted to include this family photo from last week as well.       Happy Sunday Everyone!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Sweet One Month Old

I can't believe our baby boy is one month old already!   He's changed so much in the past few weeks.    He's starting to sleep very well for us.  We are getting 6 and 7 hour stretches at a time - thank you Kam!  He also is starting to smile, laugh and coo.  It's so sweet and definitely warms my heart to see his face light up and that little dimple on his left side come out!  I haven't figured out what makes him laugh or smile just yet but he seems to be the happiest in the mornings.     Here is a video of his cooing and laughing

He also surprised all of us when he rolled over for the first time at on Oct 27th  at only 26 days old!     He was on the floor playing on his mat and Ken flipped him over for some tummy time.   He was really fighting it and squirming and I said oh my goodness he's about to roll over and then he did.   He flipped from his tummy to his back.   Mom, Ken and I all saw it but we couldn't believe our eyes so we flipped him back to his tummy and he did it again!     He's such a strong little guy!

We also had our first peeing incident.  I had him on the changing table in this room and I turned my head for one second to grab a wipe and when I turned back around he was peeing all over the dresser and onto the wall!  I screamed and his eyes got REALLY big and he just had a little smirk on his face.  What a bugger!   I was so flustered I knocked off the dirty diaper off behind the dresser.  I texted Ken to tell him his son had peed on the wall and that he would be fishing out the dirty diaper from behind the dresser when he got home! He thought it was pretty hysterical.   Below is a picture I LOVE of my two boys -  Kamden getting some good daddy time after an exhausting day!

We had the last of our visitors leave this week.  My mom left on Monday after being here almost a month.   We were sad to see her go but knew we had to get started on our own routine.  I've been enjoying spending the days with Kam and have been taking lots of long walks (sometimes to the mall - opps :-)).   Before Mom left we took a day trip to Orange County to visit a flower nursery that had a beautiful fall display of pumpkins.  We couldn't resist taking pictures of our 'pumpkin' with the pumpkins.   On the way home we stopped in San Clemente and had lunch on the pier.   It was a beautiful day and Kam was an angel - sleeping most of the day.   Below are a few pictures from that trip

Uncle Justin and Aunt Laura also came out to visit this week for their mini moon.  I was so happy to see them especially since I had to miss the wedding.  They were thrilled to meet Kam.   We were able to have them over for dinner twice and we really enjoyed having them around.   They gave Kamden lots of love too!    Here are a few pictures of their first visit with Kam!   

I had a one month photo shoot with kam for his one month birthday yesterday.    He loves the camera.  Kamden now weighs 10 and 3/4th lbs and is 23 inches long.    Here are a few pictures from our shoot.  His favorite toy of the moment is his musical giraffe (pictured below).    He also loves to lay on his play mat and look at himself in the mirror.  He could stare at himself for hours - he must get that from his daddy :-)   Lastly we have started Kam on a strict workout regiment and it must be working since he's already rolling over!  hehe